Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Parental Units Came to Visit ♥

So my parents have missed me like crazy [and I'm not gonna lie I missed them SOOOOO much too], so they came to visit us!! They got here on Thursday evening because my dad had a business meeting in Henderson. I took the day at work cuz I wasn't feeling too great [and im not gonna lie, having my parents here didn't really push me to really WANT to go to work]. On Thursday night we all stayed in and watched the SHARKS game [BEST TEAM EVER] and turned my parents on to the wonderful game of Hockey. We watched them slaughter the Calgary Flame[r]s [bwahaha] and ordered some pizza!! Yesterday, after Michael got off work, we went ZION NATIONAL PARK!!.. Well, actually we just kind of drove through one of the parts cuz we were too late to take a tour bus [lol] . So we paid to get in, drove about 5 miles in, stopped one place to take a picture to prove we were there....
.... turned around and came back out. We had heard of this little ghost town named Grafton so , being the prepared WONDERFUL husband that he is, Michael BUSTED OUT this paper of how to get to Grafton from Zion!! SOOO off we went. Left, right, right.. ANDDD we see this little sign that says "Grafton Cemetary".. creeeepy.It was open... so we went in. It was sad cuz some of the people were killed by Indians and others were children who died of diphtheria and scarlet fever :( . After we were done seeing the dead Graftonites [?]. We continued down the road in search of Grafton.. the ACTUAL little town.. and lo' and behold in the distance we could see a little .... somethin'.There WAS a ghost town!! It was so awesome to walk around and see the little houses and a church and school and what looked like some sort of town hall? We weren't sure cuz not everything was labeled [some of it was being renovated... boo.. I like the original stuff] Town Hall ... maybe... In our world it was lol

This was the Church and the school... it was for sure cuz we
read it ...

In the process of finding the ghost town... we realized that the real estate in Grafton is AWESOME!!! SOOOO....
..we bought!

And my parents are moving in too!

We decided to move on from this spot and see the rest of Grafton, so we got in our car... started driving down the street and we saw the most amazing thing! Off, in the distance, we saw a weird looking creature.. we couldn't really pinpoint what it was but it was tall and lanky and had some sort of a "humanly" figure to it.. I took out my camera and zoomed in.. Yep... we KNEW it....


We let the dear creature roam in peace... knowing they could get vicious when they are hor... umm.. hungry.. We finally got to an area that was closed/fenced off. When Michael was getting his hair cut last week the girl that was cutting his hair said that she had gone in the basement of one of the Grafton houses.. we thought it was the "Town Hall" house, so we were angry when the basement was closed off. Being the obedient adults that we are, we hopped the fence and went into the house, hoping that it wasn't locked like the last house.

Isn't it scary lookin?

Well we walked right up to the house and looked around "explored" [take note of this word]... this one was open and the basement actually had no door. It was actually cute... horribly scary.. but cute!!!

Can you tell how scared we really are?? [Lol]

We decided to call it a night and say bye to our cute little town.. knowing that Michael will drag me back with his friends at night to "explore" which is code word for "scare the crap out of Donna".

We went home and my dad made his famous spaghetti for us and we allll went peacefully to sleep....



Donna and Mike

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Welcome to St.. George...

Well it has been an interesting year and 5 months. So far we have moved 4 times and have ultimately ended up here in St. George, Utah. We decided to move here a couple of months ago when they announced the opening of In N' Out burger out here in SG. Michael is the assistant manager and has been working for the company for about 5 years. So he put his name out there to be a manager and he got it. It was nice to know that we could afford a house out here and be paying less for a house than for a freakin 1 bedroom townhouse .. INNSANE.. But I did NOT want to go.. NOT AT ALL.. the thought of leaving my friends [Armi, Aimi, Serg, Jeremy, Angel, Angie.. etc... If i forgot you sorry lol] made me want to vomit. I cried... a lot. Soo off we went... from beautiful green San Jose on a 12 hour road trip with a Uhaul. Sheila [Mikes mom] came with me in my car so I wouldnt fall asleep or hurl all over the place [I'm known for getting car sick].. It was a surprisingly really great drive and i stayed awake the entire time! Sheila drove cuz i'm lazy but we had fun talking and bugging Michael on the walkie talkie haha. [Not as many pit stops as i thought there would be haha] Soooooo we finally got in around 3 or so in the morning annnnnd I walked through my door and instantly fell in love with my house....... 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms [our bathroom has a HUGE jetted tub YAY!!] of pure FUN !! I'm sure my eyes had "Interior decoration" across them cuz all i could picture was where our new flat screen was goin' and our how gorgeous my island would look all decorated ♥.
It has been really nice living here so far. We have made some friends next door and they are AWESOME!! We had dinner at their house tonight and they are just so welcoming and have 3 kids!!! SOOOOO cute! Can't wait to make new friends and hopefully expand our family soon [yeah right, i've been prayin for that for the last 9 months and NADA.. hopefully Ü] Well we better go to bed.. both have work in the morning and were not really happy that the stupid Sharks LOST to the Flames tonight.. when WE were in the lead and scored 3 goals in the first 3 minutes and 33 seconds [lolweird]!?!! WTH? OHH well, we'll beat them tomorrow! Were only happy cuz Ambre won for ROCK OF LOVE 2 so YAY! Ditsy Daisy got the boot lol!!! OK.. well I'll keep postin and letting everyone know how were doing over here!!!

♥ YOU ALL :)